Thursday, September 17, 2020
I am happy to announce a new website that will be replacing the one here on This site will include all the new newsletter updates from now on. It also provides a clearer look at the complete Micro Chapbook RPG system and makes a way for newcomers to more easily get into the game.
Check out the new website here:
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Embrace Your Evil Side
Hello, Gamers,
It is time for the weekly update from Micro RPG. This week's theme is EVIL. Many gamers enjoy indulging in playing evil characters in games. Well, now that option is available in Micro Chapbook RPG. This week I'm thrilled to bring you the official 2nd deluxe core rulebook for the systems dark fantasy setting. Micro Chapbook RPG EVIL EDITION is sure to fulfill all your wicked wishes. Additionally, to give you a taste of darkness, I'm also including a FREE evil 2-page adventure scenario.
Brutal, dark, and unforgiving, a villain’s life is never an easy one.
The Micro Chapbook RPG system is an ultra-simple roleplaying game that can be played solo or with a traditional GM if you so wish. The EVIL EDITION is the second Deluxe Core Rulebook for the dark fantasy version of the system. The main game focuses on solitaire gameplay, starring a single power-hungry villain. It uses randomly generated dungeon scenarios to make each game session a little different. The universe for this game is brutal, unforgiving, and dark. It takes notes from such classics as Dungeon Quest and Deathtrap Dungeon. Expect to die and die often.
What is the difference between this book and the previous Deluxe Core Rulebook? This book focuses on playing evil and villainous characters. These characters will tend to be more powerful than your normal goodhearted hero. However, being evil has its drawbacks. Personal corruption can make you rot inside and out, not to mention make you an outcast of society. This core rulebook features all-new EVIL classes and races. This includes Death Knights, Warlocks, Orcs, Goblins, Dire Elves, Demons, and more. These characters have special dark powers to ensure their evil reign goes on and on. Of course, there is nothing saying that any other race from other gamebooks in the system cannot also be evil. OR that the races included here might work for a normal heroic character. This book also includes new rules for Corruption, Theft, Being Arrested, Escaping Jail, Intimidation, and much more.
Get your copy for only $2.99 on DriveThru RPG! Look for the print edition in the coming week.
You have heard tell of the riches held at Mordock Manor. Lord Mordock is known for stealing from the peasants in his region, insisting it is "taxes." He even pries gold from the hands of travelers simply moving through his land. Anyone who doesn't comply is met at the end of the sword of one of his brutal guardsmen. Well, those guardsmen don't scare you. Not to mention, it is about time Mordock is relieved of some of his wealth. "I'll help him lighten his load," you tell the other criminals at the Blackwater Inn.
Siege at Mordock Manor is a Micro Chapbook RPG--an ultra-light roleplaying game that fits in a single folded chapbook. Simply print off the two rules pages back-to-back, fold in half, and you have a completely playable Micro Chapbook RPG. These rules are specially designed for solo play on a grid map or graph paper but may also be used as quick and simple rules for a traditional GM run RPG game. Combine with other Micro Chapbook RPGs for extra options! This file includes both the full-color and printer-friendly versions. Get it for FREE at Drivethru RPG.
For those of you who enjoy physical media, The Horror at Briar Academy adventure book is now in print through Amazon.
That is all for this week. Happy gaming!
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Something Evil Walks the Halls at Night
Hello Gamers,
It's time for the weekly update from Micro RPG! This week I'm bringing you a new spooky adventure for Micro Chapbook RPG, as well as the announcement of a new physical edition of a Halloween favorite.
Something Evil Walks the Halls at Night
Something walks the halls of Briar Academy at night. The students all believe the school is haunted. The sounds of footsteps, clanking chains, and the cry of a girl can be heard in the darkness. The Headmistress is at her wits end trying to solve the mystery. However, when one of the girls from the school vanishes in the night, they all begin to fear there is something far more sinister at work.
Horror at Briar Academy is the newest stand-alone short adventure module for the Micro Chapbook Roleplaying game system set in the seaside city of Trabor Bay in the region of Hellick Water. (Check out the map and locations of Hellick Water in the Micro Chapbook RPG Board Game).
This adventure can be played on its own or as part of the larger campaign game in conjunction with other Micro Chapbook products. This book includes the basics of the rules AND can be combined with any Micro Chapbook RPG system book or genre.
Get it for only 99 cents and look for a print edition coming to amazon.
Return to Sleepy Hollow
One last year's absolute favorite games of the Halloween season was the print and play board game Sleepy Hollow: Hunt for the Headless Horseman. This solo game sees the player take on the role of Ichabod Crane. Well, I'm happy to announce that a physical edition is now available for $29.99 from the Game Crafter. You can still download the print and play version for FREE on drivethru.
Mild-mannered school teacher Ichabod Crane loves ghost stories and occult tales. So much so that he reads them to his classroom each morning during the witching autumn months. Upon receiving a mysterious package one day, Ichabod finds a book inside. Its pages contain frightening yarns about Horseman Hollow just outside of town, and he can’t resist the urge to read it out loud to his students. Unfortunately for Ichabod, this is no mere book and the words--read aloud--awaken the devilish specter known as The Headless Horseman from his slumber. Now, every night of October, the Horseman rides from the hollow and into town, terrorizing the residents. Unhappy with this stupid mistake, but also unwilling to face the problem themselves, the town council assigns Ichabod the duty of tracking down the Horseman’s secret lair and putting a stop to the horrors once and for all. However, Ichabod isn’t as foolish as he appears. He knows that one of the council members is the person who unearthed the book and sent it to Ichabod. Someone is working with the Horseman to bring doom on Sleepy Hollow.
Sleepy Hollow: The Hunt for the Headless Horseman is a game of mystery and horror set in 1700s New England. It uses a “point-to-point” map system as its primary form of gameplay. You also have a list of 6 statistics that measure your abilities and equipment as Ichabod Crane. The map and player sheet include useful tables for tracking damage, weather, terror levels, and more. The game can be played as a board game or as a roll+write. Before playing the first time, print off the Map, Player Sheet, and Tokens (unless playing roll+write style) and mount them on cardboard or cardstock.
That is all for this week. I hope you are all enjoying this transition into fall! There will be many more seasonal games to come these next two months!
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Lord of the Wood Awaits
Hello Gamers,
I've returned from my break and am back at it designing new inexpensive and free gamebooks and print and play products for you to enjoy while you are at home. For the future, you can expect to see one new game a week. previously I was putting out between 1 and 4 games a week, but to prevent burning myself out, I'll stick to one game a week. You can definitely expect at least one or more new Micro Chapbook RPG products a month along with other additions to various game series and stand-alone board games coming your way!
The Lord of the Wood Awaits
One of my game designs I've previously retired from production is the One Page game system. This included One Page Dungeon, One Page Cthulhu, and One Page Apocalypse. Well, I'm happy to announce that, for a limited time, I will be resurrecting the system. This is mainly to finish putting out a couple of new books that never got finished and put into your hands.
This week I'm happy to give you a new One Page Cthulhu product: The Herbert West Trilogy deluxe collection.
One Page Cthulhu is a simple and easy 1920s horror role-playing-game you can play with a single sheet of paper and this book. Perfect for a plane ride, hotel room, or anywhere else. You can even compete with your friends to see who can get the most clues and solve the mystery.
This special-edition collection brings together the 3 volumes of the game in one book. This trilogy of games in one book grants you 9 different character options, 9 different spells, 3 different horrific areas to explore, and many monsters, traps, items, weapons, outerwear, and more.
This version of the game goes into more detail on rules for the purpose of clarity. Additionally, as a bonus for buying this special edition collection, I’ve included descriptions of each monster and trap along with new Area Types charts not previously included in the stand-alone volumes.
Pick up this new edition for only 99 cents now on Drive Thru! OR check it out in print on Amazon in the coming week.
Try It Before You Buy It
If you want to try the One Page Cthulhu system before buying the new book, you can download any of the original trilogy volumes for free (or a small donation) on DriveThru
Volume III: Night in Arkham Woods
That's all for this week, folks. Keep tuned for some great content for the Halloween season this year! New horror games, new dark fantasy adventures, and even spooky family-friendly fun.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Killer Sharks and Space Ghosts, Oh My!
Hello Gamers,
Happy Wednesday! It is time once again for the weekly update from Micro RPG. This may be the last couple of game releases for the next week or two as I'm taking a quick breather from work to focus on a few home and family things. Once I'm done with that break, I'm jumping into mostly horror game designs, or at least autumnal ones, to prepare for the coming Halloween season. I know for many of us, myself included, Halloween is a favorite. However, it won't be the same this year with all of us still social distancing from one another. So, I'm determined to bring you some fun spooky games for both families and gamers alike to enjoy this coming season. In the meantime, I have two fun new game announcements for you right now!
A Ghost Ship!
I'm happy to announce the first stand-alone adventure module for the Micro Chapbook Sci-Fi RPG and the third adventure module for the system as a whole. I know many of you have been asking, when will we get more Sci-Fi content? Well, here it is! A spooky ghost ship adventure to sink your teeth into. You can play it with JUST this book alone, in conjunction with the deluxe sci-fi book, or with any of the other deluxe core books! Bring a cowboy, vampire hunter, elf, dwarf, or whatever else you want into space!
Curse of the Flying Dutchman is a stand-alone short adventure module for the Micro Chapbook Sci-Fi RPG. This adventure can be played on its own or as part of any current adventure or campaign. This book includes the rules basics, which may have some differences from the full rules in the core rulebook. The adventure contained herein takes the player and an away team to the outer reaches of space where an old ghost ship, thought long dead, has shown up.
It also includes some new "space ship" rules to add onto the game.
Get it now for only 99 cents. Also look for it in print on Amazon soon.
Atomic Sharks!?
This week I'm happy to bring you another FREE print and play board game. This is a fun one that combines cold war submarines with killer sharks! It the first game in a possible line of board games about naval hunting.
Dear operative,
We’ve just received intel from one of our best men in the CIA that the Russians are now implementing a new weapons project titled Project Tooth. According to our information, this new project utilizes sea life in its execution--specifically a genetically enhanced great white shark. We believe multiple disappearances of American fishing boats is related to this new project. We need you to join one of our submarine crews and hunt this creature down and kill it before it can do more harm . . . or the Russians can build a better one.
Atom Age Shark is a Sci-Fi themed alternate history game set during the cold war where the Russians are using a great white shark as part of the war effort.
It is up to you, the player, to track down the shark and kill it. This will be no easy task as this superpowered shark can rip a sub to shreds if given the chance.
Get it for FREE or a small donation now DriveThru or Wargame Vault.
Well, friends. That is all for the next week or so. I look forward to reporting back to you in the coming couple of months with some spooky fun and horrific games of the season. Some possible products include a gothic fantasy campaign book, a new sourcebook for Hammer+Cross, new print and play and PHYSICAL board games, and a WHOLE NEW core rule book in a new frightening theme for Micro Chapbook RPG. I guess we will see what I have time to get done and into your hands before the pumpkin drops.
Stay safe and healthy!
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Play Over Video Chart For Free!
Hello, Gamers!
It is time for this week's Micro RPG update. I'm sending it a little early this week because this week's products are done sooner than expected. This includes TWO new deluxe gamebooks, one of which is free. Also, I really want to get the new set of Co-Op video chat rules into as many people's hands as soon as possible.
I'm thrilled to announce the Micro Chapbook Co-Op deluxe game supplement for Micro Chapbook RPG. This is something I felt was very important to get out and into your hands during this time where we are all being quarantined (either still or again). This past two weeks, someone in my home tested positive for the virus, thus separating us even more from one another. It has shown me just how isolated we are.
In that time I had done some digging into how we can better connect with games during this time. I was happy to see a few smaller game companies offering new rules and tips for playing games over video chat (Like rules for Munchkin by Steve Jackson Games). It made me realize how important this is to help us connect and it inspired me. I instantly set to work on a new deluxe book of co-op rules for Micro Chapbook RPG.
Micro Chapbook Co-Op is a set of add-on rules for the Micro Chapbook RPG system. The basic system is designed for simplicity, quickness of play, and ease of entry. It is ultimately a solo game . . . until now.
All of the gamebooks so far include a few tips for playing co-op, but these co-op rules give you more clear and precise guidelines to play this game and all of its adventure books with a group of players. NO GAME MASTER NEEDED!
This book also includes:
- rules for character backgrounds
- rules for party backgrounds
- rules for party cohesion
- OFFICIAL rules and tips for playing via VIDEO CHAT
- a WHOLE NEW DUNGEON for use in any game, solo or co-op.
I truly hope this book can help you connect to family and friends at this time and have some simple and easy roleplaying fun.
If you want it in paperback, you can also get it on Amazon.
Swimming With Sharks
I'm also happy to announce the release of a new Adventure Module. Dead Reef Sharks.
I've been wanting to do a shark-themed game all summer long. Jaws is a favorite movie of mine and I love other horrible shark movies. However, I struggled with what kind of game to put out. Do I put out extra time and effort into a print and play board game? Do I make a quick roll and write? Finally, I decided on a short adventure module for Death in Dino Valley.
Dead Reef Sharks is a stand-alone short adventure module for the Death in Dino Valley roleplaying game set in a fantastical prehistoric world. This adventure can be played on its own or as part of the larger game presented in Death in Dino Valley core rulebook. This book includes the rules basics, which may have some differences from the full rules in the core rulebook. The adventure contained herein takes the player onto the ocean near Dino Valley in search of an underwater cave called the “Dead Reef.”
This book includes:
- Rules Basics to Get Newcommers Started
- 2 New Dino Companions
- New Rules for Building a Raft
- New Rules for Swimming
- A Stand-Alone Advneture With 2 Dungeon Scenarios
That's all for this week, folks!
Hope you all stay happy and safe!
Game on
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Bring the Miniatures
Bring the Miniatures!

Take to the High Seas!
- Sea Attrition: If you are out at sea too long, your crew might starve!
- Sea Rats: Most pirates are Sea Rats. They long to be on the ocean. Being on land too long makes them uneasy. Thus, the longer they remain on land, the more difficult it might become for them!