Hello Gamers,
Its Noah here again sending you out the weekly update for Micro RPG! We have a lot to show you this week! Things are really hard for so many people right now, financially, emotionally, physically, socially, so I've made sure to include LOTS of freebies this time around! Enjoy!
Blast Bugs in Space!
I've been tons of requests to do more in the SciFi Micro Chapbook RPG series. Up to this point, there has only been the singular chapbook--System Breach. Well, I am happy to announce the release of the second chapbook in the series: BUG SHIP.
A derelict ship left floating in space. You fear it may be infested with a race of bug aliens who attach to a host ship and feed off the crew. Can you exterminate these bugs before they eat you?
Bug Ship is an ultra-simple science fiction roleplaying game where you explore a derelict ship. It can be played solo or with a traditional GM if you so wish. This game is based on the extremely popular grimdark fantasy Micro Chapbook RPG system.
These rules are specially designed for solo play on a grid map or graph paper but may also be used as quick and simple rules for a traditional GM run RPG game. Combine with other Micro Chapbook RPGs for extra options!
This file includes both the full-color and printer-friendly versions.
As always, pick it up for FREE right now (or by making a small donation if you wish to support continued free games!)

MORE Weekly Freebies!
In addition to the new free Scifi book, I also have a number of other free products out this week for you! This includes a new Monster Roster to make keeping track of bad guy HP easier. There is also a new stand-alone fantasy chapbook and the first book of abilities for your player characters.
Mistress of Shadow
A strange woman haunts the local cave in the woods. Some believe she is a ghost, others a witch, and others something far worse. Can you investigate and rid the town of fear?
Mistress of Shadow is a Micro Chapbook RPG--an ultra-light roleplaying game that fits in a single folded chapbook. Simply print off the two rules pages back-to-back, fold in half, and you have a completely playable Micro Chapbook RPG.
These rules are specially designed for solo play on a grid map or graph paper but may also be used as quick and simple rules for a traditional GM run RPG game. Combine with other Micro Chapbook RPGs for extra options!
This file includes both the full-color and printer-friendly versions.
This chapbook contains the basic rules. For the full rules check out the Micro Chapbook RPG Deluxe Core Rulebook.
GET IT FREE (or for a small donation)

Dwarven Talents
Find the power of the axe!
Dwarven Talents is a Character Supplement for the Micro Chapbook RPG system and is usable by Dwarf characters. It adds depth to dwarf characters by providing new powerful abilities called Talents. It includes a progressive tree of talents for any dwarf character to use.
Additionally, these rules are a preview for the Dwarves of the Hellforge Deluxe Campaign Book.
This file includes both the color and printer-friendly versions.
GET IT FOR FREE (or for a small donation).

Micro Chapbook RPG Monster Roster
Tired of constantly scribbling random notes and monster damages on a piece of scrap paper? Look no further. This Monster Roster provides organized blank charts for Micro Chapbook RPG players to easily write down monster stats and track the damage by filling in a bubble for each hit inflicted on an enemy.

At the request of a few gamers, I've gone ahead and made the pocket edition of Micro Chapbook RPG Core Rulebook available in a PDF format in addition to the print format. It contains most of the same content as the Deluxe rulebook, minus a few elements. You can print out the pages 4 to a sheet and then cut them out and bind them to create your own miniaturized version of the book. It only costs 99 cents. You can also get a printed copy on Amazon for $4.99.

A Last Thought
Finally, I wanted to take a quick moment to respond to many of you who filled out my survey this past week. First and foremost, thank you for your time and opinions. It was awesome to see such a large response from the community. Second, many of you had many good ideas. I wanted to let you know that many of these games were/are already in the works. One person asked about being able to play a vampire or werewolf in some of the games. Rest assured, that idea is being played with. Another player liked the idea of a paleolithic setting. That is also being worked on! In fact, I have an old board game titled Neanderthal: Danger of the Wilds I made a couple of years back but never published that should be coming to print and play format in the next month or so. Another person wondered about an RPG that didn't rely on violence. Yes, in fact, I even have a Micro RPG gamebook that is about a different concept or topic than fighting enemies that I think many will enjoy. The vast majority of people said they loved the fantasy and sword and sorcery stuff the most, so that will get the main focus of my attention--but that doesn't mean other genres will go untouched. This is a one-man show. I work full time at this, but even then I can only put out new books so quickly. Thank you all for the support and you expect new gamebooks every week! I'll be announcing the winner of the free upcoming deluxe gamebook soon as well!