Happy Tuesday, Gamers!
Here is this week's update from MicroRPG!
The world seems crazy, but you don't have to be. Relax with some solo gaming by blowing away a few deformed mutants.
Today I am excited to announce a game that has been in the works for some time (since even before the Micro Chapbook RPG series). I have always loved 80s movies and really enjoy those futuristic Scifi films with gooey monsters. I've also loved many "mutant" themed RPGs. So, it seems about time I got my own out. Micro Mutant RPG is a simple dungeon crawling style roleplaying game set in a post-apocalyptic world inhabited by mutants. It can be played solo or with a traditional GM if you so wish and uses the D12 version of the Micro Chapbook system. What does that mean? You will mainly use a D12 instead of a D6 on most rolls. More than that, Micro Mutants is really its own beast with new rules for mutations, infection, crafting new weapons and armor of your own imagination, and much more!
"Welcome to the wasteland, the decaying remains of humanity. Cities, buildings, and streets are mere skeletons of what things used to be. Most humans are no longer . . . human. Instead, some strange virus--a direct result of nuclear testing in the New Mexico desert--has mutated most of mankind into misshapen beasts and flesh-hungry ghouls.
Humans aren’t the only ones affected. Animals, too, seem to have become distorted visages of themselves. Worse yet, new mutations, things undreamed of in man’s mind, now walk the earth--and no one knows where they came from.
You are one of the lucky (or perhaps unlucky) few who were not taken in the initial infections. Now barricaded in your own little hideaway in the food court of the Millenium Mall in the middle of New Mexico, you wait out the nights listening to the mutated damned wander and scratch through the halls and shops around you. During the day you wander out into the mall in search of supplies . . . and survival.
However, how long can you resist the infection that took the rest of humanity? How long can you stave off the hunger of the ghouls?
Only time will tell.
Welcome to the Millenium Mall."
You can pick up the Core Rulebook for a slim $1.99 today! Also, keep an ear to the rail if you prefer print editions.

Additionally, this week saw the release of the first "Book of Magic" for the Micro Chapbook RPG system. Many of you who enjoy the system have asked when magic might come into play, and here it. The Book of Fire Magic is the first of many schools of magic to come. Any character can use magic, but it benefits the wizard class the most!
As with most of the Micro Chapbook supplements, get this one for FREE by typing $0.00 into the payment box (or leave a small donation to support more games!)